
Register for Membership
Full Membership
Applies to approved OSHA, DOE, or state-plan-state VPP worksites.
Based on Number of Employees at Site
Associate Membership
For worksites aiming to strengthen their safety and health management systems or seeking to acquire VPP Star status.
Corporate Membership
For headquarter offices that oversee VPP approved worksites. Corporate membership is NOT an umbrella membership and only covers employees at the corporate site.
Investment: $500 Annually
Affiliate Membership
For companies that provide products and/or services for the safety and health industry. Learn More.
Nonprofit Membership
This is available to the office of 501(c)(3) or (6) organizations and applies to all organizational staff.
Investment: $400 Annually
Union Membership
Available to local and international unions that support one or more sites eligible for VPPPA full or associate membership.
Investment: $110 Annually
Student Membership
Full-time students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree at a college or university are eligible.
Investment: $50 Annually
Retiree Membership
Reserved for individuals who have retired but would like to stay involved with the VPPPA community.
Investment: $50 Annually