
Start your Mentor-Mentee Relationship Now
Being a mentor is a journey that will teach you leadership skills and increase your sense of professional fulfillment as you share your expertise and OSHA audit knowledge. You will also contribute to building a culture for your mentee’s workplace that fosters safety for its employees while enhancing your reputation, growing your network, and expanding your own knowledge about health and safety.
Being a mentee is a journey on how to remove workplace hazards for your colleagues and how to grow an organizational culture that makes health and safety paramount. You will improve your critical thinking and problem-solving skills as you find solutions along your voyage to VPP Star Site status, the highest level of occupational safety and health performance by OSHA.
The goal for mentor-mentee relationships is for the Associate Member to achieve VPP Star Site status or to improve the health and safety of their workplace. Mentors must be full members and mentees must be associate members of VPPPA to participate in the program.
Achieve Your Destination Now!
Are you interested in becoming VPPPA’s Mentor of the Year? Learn more at VPPPA Annual Awards.