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Full Member

“VPPPA is a huge resource for VPP Star sites. The conferences held each year always provide me and my fellow coworkers with several ideas that we can implement at our facility. I am very thankful for our facility being a VPP Star site and having the backing and support of the VPPPA.”

-Stacey Craig, Pattern Maker, Clow Valve Metal Casting Facility

Associate Member

“Prairie State’s VPPPA membership has been very helpful as our organization strives to become a STAR site. VPPPA offers their members the tools, support, and networking opportunities necessary to building a best-in-class safety process. Whether you are an organization working towards their STAR certification or a STAR site working to continuously raise their process to the next level, VPPPA provides benefits at a value that can’t be matched.”

-Michael Yusko, Corporate Safety Manager Prairie State Generating Company

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