
Why Employees Should Use Digital Devices in Moderation

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Today’s employees are working in a very high-tech world. In addition, businesses have been forced to switch to remote work, or require new in-office restrictions, due to the current climate surrounding the pandemic. The combination of high-tech jobs, remote work, or in-office restrictions can lead to digital overload, making employees feel physically and mentally drained by the end of the day due to the overuse of digital devices and their screens.
These screens emit harmful blue light which can become overwhelming after long hours of use. Technology has allowed businesses to advance in many ways, but it has also harmed employees mental and physical well-being when overused. Modern employees should track their use of digital devices personally and professionally to make sure they are not over stimulated.

Use One Device at a Time

Employees rely on many devices throughout their day to complete their tasks. These devices may include a laptop and monitor, tablet, smartphone, and more. Using all of these devices simultaneously can actually increase the risk of digital overload at a higher and faster rate.

Instead, workers should focus on one device at a time. If they’re working on their laptops, they should take a break from other devices, and vice versa. This will not only help them avoid early onset overstimulation, but it will also allow them to focus on the specific task at hand and limit distractions.

Use Tech Tools

Many employees set-up Night Shift mode on their smartphones, which automatically shifts the color of their screen display to the “warmer” end of the color spectrum after dark. The “warmer” your screen, the less blue light it emits and the less blue light it emits, the better you’ll feel. Employees should set-up their Night Shift setting on all of their devices because decreasing the amount of blue light they are exposed to during the workday will also decrease their risk of digital overload.

Similarly, blue light filtering glasses block the blue light that is emitted from all digital screens to keep your eyes protected. The high-tech lenses in these glasses are coated with high-index polycarbonate and can also be combined with your active prescription. This makes it easier than ever for employees to protect their eyes and mind from the blue light wavelengths that are emitted from the digital devices they’re glued to day in and day out.

Employees should also make sure they are working in well-lit areas when engaging with digital devices. Sunlight produces natural blue light, which has been shown to improve mood and regulate the body’s sleep/wake cycle. Working in a dark environment with a bright screen can shock your eyes and cause feelings of tiredness and irritability. If employees don’t have access to natural light in their offices or if natural light is lacking during the dark winter months, they should consider investing in a Happy Light. This light mimics natural daylight and will regulate the lighting in any office space, which will benefit the eyes and mind.

Disconnect When Necessary

Remote employees have been known to spend countless hours on digital devices throughout the day. Between working from home and sheltering in place, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of digital devices.

Instead of using breaks to check personal phones or catch up on TV shows, encourage your teams to make a conscious effort to put their digital devices down and disconnect. After working for hours on their computers, the last thing their eyes need is to interact with yet another device. Rather than turning to these devices, individuals should set-up scheduled breaks during the workday to get outside, go for a walk, stretch, or just simply rest their eyes to help them avoid workplace burnout.

Today’s employees are all at risk of digital overload and should make it a priority to use digital devices in moderation. With all of the advancements in technology, it is easy to overuse digital devices without realizing it. However, being aware of the risks at hand and knowing ways they can limit exposure to blue light can make a big difference.

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