
Ergonomics and the Hierarchy of Controls

Contributor: Logan Steffans, EHS/Facilities Supervisor, Collins Aerospace After working in the aerospace industry for five years now—you know that saying ‘time flies’—I’ve had the chance to engage with a plethora of folks on the manufacturing floor, learning their story about what brought them into this field of work and what keeps them coming back year Ergonomics and the Hierarchy of Controls

Ergonomics: The New Frontier

Contributor: Scott Schneider, MS, FAIHA Ergonomics is not a four-letter word. Under the OSHA Act, every worker is guaranteed a workplace “free of recognized hazards.” Yet in 2020, a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that almost a quarter of a million workers in the United States lost work because of musculoskeletal disorders (Table MSD1) Ergonomics: The New Frontier